1. Why can not drag modules from choose module box?

  2. Please check the edit manage, if the edit content is active, modules can not draggable, just click edit layout to enable the function.

  3. Project File can not Upload into the page window or can not download the email page?

  4. About the folder permission

    Please see the bellow screenshots of the folder digith_template_builder, and find the [file] folder under the server/php, then use some FTP software to connect your webspace, give that folder a permission like bellow, please do not worry about the security of your webspace, only .html file can be upload into your server, and the file will be delete Immediately after the page loaded into the main window.



    About the Php Server ( page can not download)

    Setting the php.ini file

    Open the php.ini, and find "file_uploads", make sure the value is " on ", and can setting other value like bellow:

    max_execution_time = 600
    max_input_time = 600
    memory_limit = 32m
    file_uploads = on
    upload_max_filesize = 2m
    post_max_size = 32m
  5. Content Can not edit or CKeditor toolbar display wrong of some module?

  6. Content can not edit

    just Click the edit content button above the page window again before you refresh the page.

    CKeditor toolbar display wrong of some module

    just click the [ edit layout ] button above the page window and drag/click/duplicate the module to creat a new one, then click the [ edit content ] button, you will find now the CKeditor toolbar will works ok for this module, and now you can delet the module which toolbar not work.

  7. Why i copyed and pasted some text into the page, the text display wrong?

  8. Please use paste as plain text for copy and paste

    This is because the text you paste to the page may has its own style, so , i suggest use the [ paste as plain text ] tool of the CKeditor , you will find every thing will ok.

    Ok,enjoy it!